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Dog Licensing

Dog Licensing: Information and Licence Application

All dogs, with the exception of guide dogs, must have a valid licence.  A licence is valid for 12 months.

If you keep a dog without a licence you can be issued with an £80 fine.

A dog must be microchipped before a licence can be issued. Your local vet can provide more information on microchipping.

Fees and Concessions

License Fee
Normal licence £12.50
65 years or over First dog licence is free, £5 for each additional dog
Receipt of an income related benefit or a couple in receipt of income related benefit Click here for income related benefits that qualify for a reduced licence £5 per dog
Sterilised/neutered dog £5
Block licence (dog breeders or kennels with three or more unsterilised female dogs) £32

NB – you may be required to provide evidence in relation to concessions.

How to Apply or Renew A Dog Licence

You can apply online (see below) or by telephoning council offices on 0330 137 4024. Complete the application form and post it with the appropriate license fee to the relevant office.

Apply, Renew or register online

Contact Us

Telephone: 0330 137 4024
Email: ehealth@nmandd.org

How to Apply or Renew a Block Licence

Please see form available for download below.