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Delivering Your Plan

The Living Well Together Community Plan outlines 5 key outcomes we want to achieve by 2030.

We have worked with Community Planning partners to achieve these outcomes. The Local Government Act (NI) 2014 requires the Council and its community planning partners to make arrangements to monitor progress against meeting the objectives of the Living Well Together Community Plan the effectiveness of those actions taken in support of the Plan. The Living Well Together Community Plan which was published in 2017 outlined 5 outcomes which we wanted to achieve by 2030. We have worked with community planning partners to draw up action plans to achieve these outcomes. The legislation also requires the Council to publish a statement of progress and update the public on actions achieved every two years.

The summary document The Statement of Progress 2023 – 2024 highlights the progress which has been made by our community planning partners from 2023 - 2024.

Our Achievements to Date:

We set up the Community Planning Partnership Board, made up of senior people from statutory sector agencies, representatives of political parties and the community and voluntary sector, which is responsible for the overall Community Plan.

We established four Thematic Groups to draw up and oversee delivery of actions in priority areas under the themes of: Lifelong Health and Wellbeing; Prosperous Communities; Sustainable Environment; Safe and Vibrant Communities.

We also established seven District Electoral Area (DEA) Forums which bring Councillors and nominated community representatives together to develop and to deliver local action plans as part of the overall Community Plan.

Roll out of the Communities Leading Change Participatory budgeting initiatives with a total of £30,000 allocated to community groups across the district. 

A Housing Need Action Plan  has been developed and is being implemented

An Asset Mapping Project has been undertaken that identifies surplus land and buildings that can be used more effectively

The establishment of a Community Support Partnership which enables key public services to more effectively respond to the needs of vulnerable individuals by sharing information and coordinating interventions

Development of a Health Improvement project to better coordinate the referral of individuals to Council leisure facilities.

Our Focused Priorities

Thematic Group

Priority Areas

Lifelong Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health: Promotion of Take Five Steps to Wellbeing

Physical Activity: Social Prescribing for people with long term health conditions

Preventable Death: Building a Community of Lifesavers

Prosperous Communities

Employability and Skills: Improving links between schools and the world of work

Tourism: Implement Newry, Mourne and Down Tourism Strategy

Sustainable Environment

Reduce Traffic Congestion: Develop Park and Ride / Share in key locations

Sustainable Travel: Develop Action Plan for alternatives to car journeys including public / community transport, walking and cycling.

Access to Quality Housing: Implement Housing Need Action Plan developed from 2019 conference

Access to Natural and Build Heritage: Identify collaborative plan with environmental organisations

Safe and Vibrant Communities

Develop the Intercultural Forum: Working to ensure inclusion in more diverse society

Implement Participatory Budgeting: Roll out Participatory Budgeting across all DEAs



  • NMD Communities Leading Change 2018
  • NMD Housing Conference Booklet
  • statement of progress report 2019-2021