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StandUp. Speak Out. Be The Change

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council recognise the importance of collaboration with partner organisations in preventing harm, promoting awareness and protecting people. 

To support this work we have partnered with Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon Borough CouncilSouthern Health and Social Care Trust and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust to promote a new ‘Stand Up. Speak Out. Be the Change’ campaign across our social media channels.

Through the creation of a series of short videos, the campaign vividly portrays the impact of men’s inappropriate behaviour towards women, highlighting that what some people dismiss as ‘banter’ can be deeply unsettling and frightening. It urges men to stand up and speak out when they witness harassment, challenging sexism and misogyny to help create a safer environment for women and girls.

To view the #StandUpSpeakOutBeTheChange video please click below.

For women or girls who have experienced this type of behaviour, are feeling vulnerable, threatened or uncomfortable, help and support are available.

Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline: 0808 802 1414 (A caring, confidential service 24/7, 365 days a year.)

Women’s Aid NI – 028 3025 0765


Newry, Mourne and Down District Council takes its responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk very seriously.

To view the #SpeakOutReachOut video please click on the image below or click here.

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council recognise the importance of collaboration with partner organisations in preventing harm, promoting awareness and protecting people. 

To support this work we have partnered with Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Southern Health and Social Care Trust and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust aims to raise awareness of the mental health impact of Domestic Abuse on children and young people who witness and experience it. 
Domestic abuse can have a serious impact on a child's safety, mental health and overall wellbeing. Experiencing domestic abuse in childhood is child abuse. It is an uncomfortable feature of many Northern Ireland homes.  In many instances, children that live in abusive households are also likely to fall victim to this treatment themselves. There were 33,210 domestic abuse incidents reported to the PSNI between July 2022 and June 2023, a number that widens when silent victims, like children, are considered. A recent study demonstrated: 

90% of children in these homes were aware that violence was occurring.

75% had witnessed violence at home.

27% of the children had been physically abused themselves by the violent partner.

The trauma of experiencing domestic abuse is enough to have a significant impact on the mental health of children and their lives right through to adulthood. 

If you are living in constant fear of violence, feeling anxious, feeling down or feeling stressed. If you are suffering from poor concentration at school or experiencing low self-worth and negative self-image. Speak out and reach out and to talk to someone you can trust.

REMEMBER: Young people don’t witness domestic abuse, they experience it. 
If things are not okay at home and you are worried, need advice or support, call one of the numbers below and there will be someone to listen to you and provide you with help.
If your worried and need advice support is available for those experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Want more help? Check out the extensive resources and Helpline numbers we have collated below including the NSPCC Helpline number.

Lets all play our part and remeber to #SpeakOutReachOut for support.  


We are here for you. Call us!


To report a concern about a child contact: 

Southern Health and Social Care Trust: 028 3756 7100 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) or Freephone from landlines only 0800 783 7745

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust: 0300 100 0300 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday)

Emergency Social Work Service (Regional): 028 9504 9999 (5pm-9am Monday to Friday, 24 hours Saturday/Sunday/Bank Holidays)


For further information please visit:

Domestic Abuse | Southern Health & Social Care Trust: https://setrust.hscni.net/service/south-eastern-domestic-violence-partnership/

24 Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline: 0808 802 1414 (24 hours)

Childline - Call 0800 1111

Women's Aid Armagh-Down Call 028 3025 0765

Men's Advisory Project (MAP) Call 028-9024-1929

NSPCC Helpline | Call 0808 800 5000

Or in an emergency dial 999


Useful Resources:
Youth Wellness Web – Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) (hscni.net)



For further information contact Gary Scott, Safeguarding Coordinator.
E: Gary.Scott@nmandd.org 
T: 07776 165 792

To view our Safeguarding leaflet click here. 

The NMDDC Safe Place Initiative

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council is committed to the principle that Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence is unacceptable behaviour and everyone has the right to live free from fear and abuse.

The Council has been working in partnership with Onus NI on the introduction of the Safe Place Initiative across key Council facilities in the district. The Safe Place Initiative was launched by Onus NI in 2011 and since then over 1700 organisations have registered as a Safe Place. The premise behind the initiative is that it allows any business, organisation, church, school or community group to provide a ‘Safe Place’ where anyone affected by domestic abuse can confidentially access information on the range of support services available to them. 

Details of all fourteen Safe Place locations can be found below and all locations will display the Safe Place logo indicating that information on services for anyone affected by domestic violence and abuse is available at the specific site location.

The Safe Place locations across Newry, Mourne and Down District Council facilities are listed as follows:

1.       Down Leisure Centre, 114 Market Street, Downpatrick BT30 6LZ
2.       Kilkeel Leisure Centre Mourne Esplanade, Newry BT34 4DB
3.       Newcastle Centre Complex 10-14 Central Promenade, Newcastle BT33 0AA
4.       Newry Leisure Centre, 61 Patrick St, Newry BT35 8TR
5.       Bessbrook Community Centre, Mill Road, Newry BT35 7DS
6.       Cloughreagh Community Centre, Millvale Road, Newry BT35 7NH
7.       Newry Town Hall Bank Parade, Newry BT35 6HP
8.       Council Offices, O’Hagan House Monaghan Row, Newry BT35 8DJ
9.       Kilbroney Park, Shore Road, Rostrevor BT34 3AA
10.     Council Offices, Downshire Civic Centre, Ardglass Road, Downpatrick BT30 6GQ
11.     Greenbank Industrial Estate, Unit 19 Greenbank Industrial Estate Rampart Road, Newry BT34 2QU
12.     Crossmaglen Community Centre, Cardinal O'Fiaich Square, Newry BT35 9AA
13.     Warrenpoint Town Hall, Church Street, Warrenpoint BT34 3HN
14.     Ballynahinch Community Centre, 55 Windmill Street, Ballynahinch BT24 8HB

  • Safeguarding Policy Feb 2020
  • safety plan after you have left an abusive partner
  • safety plan key information advice
  • safety plan staying safe during an incident
  • safety plan staying safe online