Refurbishment of Downs Road Play Park in Newcastle Begins
The refurbishment of Downs Road Play Park in Newcastle is to begin this week. The park will close on Monday 17 January 2022 reopening again in April 2022. Designs for the new refurbished park will feature more inclusive play equipment to suit children of all abilities. On completion, Residents will see several new additions including the Newcastle Nautilus Play Galleon, swings as well as a wheelchair swing, slides, a roundabout, a sensory area, a trampoline and a zip wire. There will also be a new picnic area added which residents and visitors can enjoy when visiting the park and Newcastle Promenade.
The refurbishment program is part of Newry, Mourne and Down District Councils overall ‘Play Strategy 2017-2022’ which was established as a mechanism for meeting the play needs of children and young people throughout our district.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Cathy Mason said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has made us all more aware of the importance of outdoor activities and the benefits that they bring to our children’s physical fitness and mental health. The Council’s Play Strategy plays a pivotal role in ensuring that children in our district have as many play opportunities as possible.”
Cllr Mason continued, “Play is a natural, fundamental part of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development, enhances health and well-being, encourages social and intellectual development, and enables children and young people to develop essential life skills. I am delighted to see the refurbishment plans for Downs Road Play Park coming to fruition, so that residents and visitors to Newcastle can enjoy this new inclusive play park once it reopens again in Spring 2022.’’
As the park is positioned at a seaside location and may be subject to the coastal elements, all steel equipment that is contained in the park will be double zinc thermal sprayed following a rigorous maintenance programme to ensure durability and sustainability. For further details on the refurbishment programme, please send enquiries to