Council Working with Electoral Office NI to Assist Residents Unable to Register Online
The Electoral Office is required by law to refresh the Electoral Register for Northern Ireland and the current register expired on 30 June. As a result of this, all eligible electors in Northern Ireland are now required to re-register with effect from 1 July 2021.
In an effort to get this important message out to the wider community, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council is working with the NI Electoral Office to facilitate static canvass sites at various Council premises to assist members of the public who are unable to register online and have no access to the internet or to a computer.
Electoral office staff will be located at a number of Council venues including Down Leisure Centre, Bessbrook Community Centre and Three Ways Community Centre over the coming months, to assist the public.
A kiosk is currently in place at the Council offices Downshire Civic Centre and one will be in place at Monaghan Row, Newry, so that members of the public who may not have access to the Internet can do so.
The static canvass centres are open at locations in electoral wards identified by data analysts that show the lowest level of response. The venues chosen are also easily accessible so that members of the public that may not have access to the Internet can get assistance.
The Chief Electoral Officer said, “Our thanks go out to Newry, Mourne and Down District Council for their work in facilitating our static canvass to ensure that everyone can register to vote easily. It takes less than 5 minutes to register online but it you don’t have access to the internet you can call at these sites and our staff will be glad to help you to register”
The Chief Electoral Officer advised that there are two ways to register to vote or update your registration details: You can register online via This is the quickest and easiest way to register or update your details or you can complete a paper registration form and return it to the Electoral Office (see the Contact Us page). The form can be downloaded below or contact us and we will post one out to you.
The canvass form is available in several different languages and large print format (for reference purposes only) on the Form Translations page. If you require a form in Braille or audio format please contact us.
To register you will need to have your National Insurance Number available. You can find your National Insurance Number on your payslip, P60, National Insurance Number card or letters about tax, pensions and benefits. If you still cannot find your National Insurance Number you can request written confirmation of it from the National Insurance Contribution Office (phone 0300 200 3500 or visit
You must register even if you are currently on the Electoral Register.
If you have any queries or need any assistance please contact our Helpline on 028 9044 6680, email or visit the Canvass 2021 FAQs page.
Click here for a full list of venues and dates click on Static Canvass 2021 - Venues and Dates